Amélie Guittet

Do what you love and love what you do

As the daughter of expatriates—my father was a HR Director for COLAS—I've had the rich experience of living across Africa, the Middle East, Belgium, and France. My academic journey in Marketing and Communication seemingly paved a path toward the industry, yet my career commenced within a prestigious recruitment firm in Paris.

My professional odyssey through both the private and public sectors, where I dabbled in diverse roles, led me to an epiphany—my true fulfillment resides in entrepreneurship.

A genuine HR matchmaker at heart, I thrive on orchestrating professional connections both in-person and virtually. I'm zealous about discussing Employment, Recruitment, Personal Development, and Professional Development, as well as championing the employability of both the youth and the elderly. Furthermore, I have an avid interest in innovative learning methodologies, particularly through gaming and digital platforms. My goal is to assist individuals in finding joy and fulfillment in their careers.

On the French market, nearly 250,000 individuals engage with me on LinkedIn, and about 92,000 subscribe to my newsletters or tune into my webinars and podcasts.

Recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Employment, an HR Influencer, and a columnist on French television, I contribute to "Courrier Cadres" magazine, offering insights for managers, and am on the verge of launching an Employment Podcast. My upcoming book, intended for HR professionals to share best practices for senior employment, is set to be published in September 2024 by Vuibert Editions.

In essence, I'm deeply passionate about a wide array of topics, which is reflected in my pursuits. There's a common belief that I'm high-potential intelligence (HPI)—a topic that may very well become my next venture. Stay tuned, as we'll surely delve into this subject soon.

Philippe Guittet

You are worth more than you think

A native of Nice, my journey led me to Paris seeking a new chapter in life, an adventure amplified by the dot-com boom and all its associated twists and turns.

Enduring the initial struggles of job searching, I soon grasped the vital role of self-confidence and began to take control of my destiny. Notably, Amélie's entrance into my life marked a significant turning point. :)

With over two decades as a Human Resources & Recruitment Consultant and Manager of outplacement services for corporate restructuring, I ventured into entrepreneurship in 2004. With a lifelong passion for human potential, I help individuals become the best versions of themselves—overcoming thresholds, shattering limiting beliefs, and realizing their wildest dreams!

Now, through my coaching activities, I guide clients through their career journeys, from onboarding, self-confidence, career changes, to entrepreneurship and job searches. I also mentor entrepreneurs, aiding them in structuring their endeavors and embracing their growth.

In short, I assist you in unveiling your true self and achieving your full potential. With a touch of provocation, I enjoy challenging you, pushing boundaries to inspire your self-revelation!

I hold a Master's degree in Human Resources and am a certified coach in NLP, Enneagram, and mental preparation. Additionally, I'm trained in EFT, Synergology, active listening, growth mindset, resilience development, emotional intelligence, emotion and stress management, and intuition development. My love for learning is unending—but it's all to enhance the way I support you.

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